When to take 5-HTP Morning or Night?

Are you wondering when to take 5-HTP? Whether you should take 5-HTP in the morning or at night? You’ve come to the right place.

First, let’s quickly go over what is 5-HTP.

What is 5-HTP?

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan or oxitriptan) is an amino acid your body naturally produces. It can be converted from tryptophan that the body acquires from foods, and it helps boosts serotonin within the body.

As a nutritional supplement, 5-HTP is most often derived from a natural source – a seed from an African plant (Griffonia simplicifolia).

5-HTP is used primarily to increase serotonin levels in the brain. Low levels of serotonin in the brain make people feel anxious, more emotional, hungry, craving carbohydrates, and have poor quality of sleep. Obviously, this affects many people today. Fortunately, a lot of studies have shown that 5-HTP produces the best results in helping those with low serotonin levels.

What are the benefits of 5-HTP?

There are two good times to take 5-HTP – morning and evening.

When you take it in the morning, throughout your day you will experience:

  • Decreased Anxiety
  • Increased Sense of Well-being
  • Decreased Depression
  • Increased Confidence
  • Decreased Pessimism

If you take it at night you will experience:

  • Ability to fall asleep faster
  • Enhanced Sleep Quality
  • Less need for sleep

Learn more about the nootropic 5-HTP here.


  • How should 5-HTP be taken? Daily dose

The recommended daily dose is between 50-200 mg. However, lower doses are effective, especially in combination with other ingredients like GABA.

It can be taken in one or in several doses, in case of opting for higher doses.

  • What is the best time to take 5-HTP?

This depends on your intention.

If you want good sleep, take it at night.

If you want a relaxed state of mind during the day, take it in the morning.

You can also take 5-HTP strategically to help curb your appetite around meal time.

  • Does 5-HTP have side effects?

It has been used in doses up to 400 mg. It is considered a safe supplement when ingested in the proper doses. However, it should be noted that it should never be taken with other antidepressants.

  • The dose makes the poison

Do not take 5-HTP with any anti-depressants or other specific medications. Only take 5-HTP responsibly and do not take doses that are too large.


Here are some symptoms of serotonin syndrome:

  • Nervousness, tension.
  • Rapid pulse and high blood pressure.
  • Sweats or chills and goosebumps.
  • Intestinal discomfort and diarrhea.
  • Dilated pupils.

If it is not managed and treated by healthcare professionals it can worsen or be complicated by other disorders, causing seizures, heart failure, and even death.

Here are some resources I recommend

ULTIMATE HEAVY CLUB TRAINING PROGRAM is a hidden gem that teaches you lessons on unique training and physiology taught by a doctor and Olympic gold medalist. FREE Bonus Includes: A Stud’s Physique Fitness Program

A STUD’S PHYSIQUE is the fitness regimen for the people who aspire for higher. It’s the ultimate primer in both simple and advanced techniques. Get this if you want to lose weight and look great, or become strong and jacked.

Health & Fitness Subliminal is an approved self-hypnosis track that we recommend to clients who have mental barriers causing them to struggle with their fitness goals.

We recommend this underrated ebook because it has plenty of health-conscious alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

None of these resources listed here are affiliate links. We recommend these websites and products because we use them ourselves and recommend them to our clients.