What is steel mace training?

Workouts with a steel mace are a great example of functional fitness. As a result, it enhances athletic performance while also providing numerous health benefits to the user.

Using a steel mace, which is also known as a macebell, is a good way to build muscle. It’s a long metal pole with a heavy ball at the end of it. It is available in a wide range of sizes and weight capacities.

The unbalanced and asymmetrical weight of a steel mace sets it apart from other weight training equipment.

Despite their rarity in traditional gyms, steel maces are gaining enormous traction in the fitness industry. Once or twice a week, if your gym is fortunate enough to have steel mace training, you can start seeing results.

Lunge and squat exercises can benefit from using steel maces instead of kettlebells and dumbbells to increase instability. The benefits of using a steel mace come to life when it is used in exercises that involve swinging and rotating motions.

A Steel Mace is a weighted metal bar (often hollow) on one end (this weighted end is called the globe). The globe accounts for 95 percent or more of the mace’s weight. Weights can range from 5 to 50 pounds or more. The 10lb steel mace, on the other hand, is the industry standard. The offset weight allows you to move the mace in novel ways (called transitions) that you wouldn’t be able to do with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, or any other piece of weight equipment.

Here are some resources I recommend

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Health & Fitness Subliminal is an approved self-hypnosis track that we recommend to clients who have mental barriers causing them to struggle with their fitness goals.

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