Steel Mace Training for BBJ

It seems that the mantra for modern fitness is to “train in the most unconventional way possible.” However, unusual does not necessarily imply that something is also not only safe and efficient but also practical. Trying to juggle kettlebells weighing 30 pounds each while standing on a BOSU ball is a good way to wind up in a hospital bed, although the cause of your stay there will be anything but typical. Strength and conditioning training for Jiu-Jitsu are two entirely separate things; however, you can and should incorporate training with odd objects into your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu workouts. An excellent illustration of this would be practicing with a steel mace.

It’s possible that steel maces aren’t everyone’s go-to choice when it comes to training tools. However, if you look back into the not too distant past, you’ll notice that kettlebells had the same reception before they blew up in the fitness industry. This is because kettlebells have been around for a long time. It makes no difference if something has an odd appearance; what matters is whether or not it can actually be of assistance. Although being unusual is no guarantee of success (let’s use the BOSU ball as an example once more), using unconventional fitness tools during BJJ workouts will undoubtedly present your body with a challenge that cannot be replicated with more traditional methods. In essence, before you decide whether or not exercising with a steel mace is beneficial for you, why not give it a shot by performing a few sets of the exercises?

Because of the way a steel mace is constructed, in order to move it around, you will need to make use of your entire body, just like you would with a kettlebell. In addition, the weight is distributed in a highly specific manner, making it a challenge for more than just your muscles. Swinging a steel mace around helps improve balance, coordination, core strength, explosiveness, as well as overall strength and cardiovascular fitness. In addition to this, training with an ancient weapon that weighs fifty pounds in order to improve your grappling skills looks extremely cool.

In point of fact, Pehlwani wrestlers in India and Pakistan continue to make use of the steel mace in the modern day. The Great Gama, a well-known Indian wrestler, is generally credited with being the one responsible for popularizing the mace. He went fifty years without losing a match, fought all over India and Europe, and was victorious over every single wrestler who ever challenged him. He had no other means of improving his strength and conditioning besides the use of the mace ball or the steel mace.

One of the primary advantages of incorporating a steel ancient weapon into your BJJ workouts is the increase in range of motion that you will experience as a direct result of working out with the weapon. Because of the rotational movements and uneven distribution of weight, you have the opportunity to work on the mobility of your shoulders and upper back while also being forced to think about your posture. Designed specifically for Jiu-Jitsu, is that correct?

In addition to that, there is a significant emphasis placed on grip strength. Depending on the length of the handle and the activities you are participating in, it may become increasingly challenging to maintain a firm grip on it. This ties in with the next great benefit, which is increased muscle endurance. When you’re working with a steel mace, its sensations can be extremely erratic due to its material composition. This translates exceptionally well to grappling, in particular in the sense of being able to continue dealing with the motions as you move it through space for longer periods of time and at higher speeds.

Last but not least, improving one’s sense of proprioception is something that any grappler would find to be extremely beneficial. The use of steel maces will assist you in developing your kinesthetic awareness, which is exemplified in black belts by their ability to predict their opponents’ movements before they take place. The use of maces will most certainly speed up the process by which you acquire this skill.

Workouts with the Steel Mace in BJJ

Although you might be able to locate a steel mace in some fitness centers, finding one in a commercial facility is unlikely because they are not commonly stocked there. Find an old-school garage gym or some other functional training facility that has no idea why they have it there. This is most likely what you will need to do in order to complete your mission. That works out even better for you. In addition, you have the option of purchasing one (or several) of them and working out wherever you please. I’ve also seen them in some BJJ gyms, which is probably the most ideal version of the events that could possibly take place.

Having said that, when beginning with a steel mace, you should begin with a lighter weight. In the sense of being extremely light. If you’ve never handled an ancient weapon before, 10 pounds is more than enough to start with. Aside from that, there aren’t that many things you need to think about, such as being familiar with a few exercises and understanding how to position your hands. If you are not used to training with a mace of this weight, positioning your hand so that it is close to the end of the lever will make it extremely difficult for you to do so, even with the 10 pound weight. Now, let’s take a look at a few different Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu workouts that make use of a steel mace.

Getting Started

  • Squat down while holding the mace in front of you, making it look like a vertical baseball bat. This is the barbarian squat.
  • The Romanian Deadlift is similar to a regular RDL, but it has a distinct feel due to the fact that the weight is only on one side. Perform on both sides.
  • Bent Rows are very similar to RDLs performed with a barbell, but you should be prepared for a very different sensation. Perform on both sides.
  • In other words, curls using a barbell. Perform on both sides.
  • The overhead press is an excellent exercise for working the stabilizing muscles that are located on top of the shoulder muscles. Perform on both sides.

Workouts for Conditioning Using Steel Mace in BJJ

The following is a straightforward procedure that will really get your cylinder firing. Perform each exercise in rapid succession without taking a break, as if you were participating in a circuit. You will finish the circuit once, then rest for one minute, bringing the total number of times you will complete the circuit to four.

  • Single Arm 360 – five rounds for a total of thirty seconds (each side)
  • 360 to Squat – Five Rounds for Thirty Seconds Each
  • 10-2 – 5 rounds for a total of 30 seconds
  • 5 circuits of 30 seconds each of overhead alternating lunges
  • Squat Jumps – 5 Rounds for 30 Seconds Each
  • Five circuits of thirty seconds each of split jumps.

Here are some resources I recommend

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