Steel Mace Training for Ancient Hindu Warrior

The gada, also known as a heavy mace, was the preferred weapon of Hindu soldiers and the Hindu deity Hanuman, who is depicted as an anthropomorphic monkey with one hand and the ability to lift mountains with the other. Warrior training during the Puranic period included activities such as wrestling, archery, and swordsmanship. According to the book Encyclopedia of Indian Physical Culture, warriors during this time would also engage in mace training early in the morning. In addition to fighting one another with gadas, warriors would also strengthen their backs, chests, shoulders, forearms, and fingers by swinging heavier versions of the weapon behind their backs. These heavier versions were typically made with a bamboo stick that had a heavy stone attached to one end. Hindu warriors were known to be among the most ferocious of those who lived during that era due to the rigorous physical and strategic training they received.

Pehlwani wrestlers, who compete primarily in northern India and southern Pakistan, are the ones who use the gada in its modern form. The Great Gama, who was the only Pehlwani wrestler in history to go through his career without suffering a loss, was known as the most famous gada enthusiast. It seems that his mustache has also been trained with a gada. Look at it! That thing is a monstrous being!

Gada training, on the other hand, didn’t become widespread until very recently for some unknown reason. This is in contrast to the widespread use of the Indian Club among Western exercise enthusiasts as early as the 19th century. Heavy mace training is becoming increasingly popular among mixed martial artists in the West as a means of strengthening the muscles that are required for throwing opponents to the mat. Mace training is becoming increasingly popular among individuals who practice functional fitness as well as natural movement because it offers an incredible workout for the whole body.

Mace Grip Basics

  • 360

Since ancient times, Hindu warriors and Pehlwani wrestlers have employed the use of the 360. Shoulders, chest, back, and forearms are all targeted by this exercise. To begin, position yourself so that the mace is directly in front of you while bringing the palms of your hands together at the very end of the handle. If your left hand is higher than your right hand, you will throw the mace ball over your right shoulder and catch it with your left hand. You should let the ball of the mace swing behind your back. When it reaches your left shoulder, you will need to pull the mace over your left shoulder so that it is once again in front of you directly. It should be repeated a few times. To use the mace ball, you will need to switch your hands so that your right hand is on top of your left hand and then push the ball over your left shoulder. Repeat the motion of swinging the mace in this direction a number of times.

  • Barbarian Squat

The Barbarian Squat is an excellent exercise that works the body as a whole. You are simultaneously strengthening both your upper and lower bodies with a single movement. To begin, bring the mace up behind your neck and stand in a standing position. You should begin by bringing the mace to the front of your body while simultaneously lowering your body into a squatting position. When you have completed the exercise properly, you will be in a full squat with the mace in front of you at the end of the movement. Standing up while simultaneously bringing the mace back to its starting position will return you to the position from which you started. Repeat.

  • Dynamic Curl

The Dynamic Curl is an exercise that works the biceps as well as the forearms.

Hold the mace using a mixed grip, with one hand using an overhand grip and the other hand using an underhand grip. The hand that is closer to the ball-end of the mace should hold the handle using an underhand grip. Raise the ball end of the mace using the hand that is closest to the ball. When the ball reaches the middle of the arc, switch your hands by moving the one that was previously near the ball down towards the end of the handle and bringing the hand that was previously near the handle up closer to the ball end. This should be done when the ball is in the middle of the arc. When you are finished, the ball end should be on the opposite side of your body, and your mixed grip should be reversed. This means that the hand that was initially holding the bat overhand should now be holding it underhand, and the hand that was initially holding the bat underhand should now be holding it overhand. Repeat this motion with the mace, swinging it back and forth in this manner several times.

  • Spear Stab

Holding the mace in this manner is analogous to holding a spear. Imagine that you are an ancient Pauravaian warrior who is fighting in the Battle of the Hydaspes River against Alexander the Great’s Macedonian army. Stabbing one of Alexander’s soldiers with your spear. The difficulty of this exercise will increase in proportion to the degree to which both hands are brought closer to the handle. To exercise the opposite side of your body, switch up the positions of your hands and your stance.

  • Grave Digger

It’s time to lay to rest all of those made-up Macedonian soldiers you just slaughtered, are you ready? Imagine you are using a shovel to dig a hole in the ground with the mace ball while you hold the mace in your hand like you would a shovel. Repeat a number of times in succession. Alternate the use of your hands so that you can exercise the other side of your body.

Here are some resources I recommend

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