Steel Mace Full Body Workout

This Steel Mace conditioning circuit is the way to go if you want to get the most out of thirty minutes of exercise and get the most benefit possible. Prepare to break a sweat by combining the 10-to-2 and the 360 with exercises for both the upper and lower body. This workout consists of five different exercises that are performed in rapid succession, each for one minute. You can work your entire body with just one circuit if you alternate between different swinging drills for the steel mace, such as the 10-to-2 and the 360, with the lower body emphasis Barbarian Squat and the upper body emphasis Steel Mace Transfer Push Up.

Why Do Steel Mace Workouts?

The use of unilateral exercises in functional (athletic) training makes it a purposeful goal to challenge the trainee’s balance and body awareness while they are working out. Because of the uneven distribution of its weight, training with a steel mace functions in essentially the same manner as described here. Having said all of that, workouts using the Steel Mace are the very definition of functional training.

Functional training should involve a predetermined amount of controlled instability, which forces the athlete to respond in order to regain their own sense of balance and composure.

Functional training makes use of single leg and arm movements that demand balance in order to effectively develop muscles. These movements are performed in isolation.

When training with the steel mace, the concept and effect are the same as when training with the wooden mace.

Because the majority of the weight is concentrated in the ball of the mace, which is on one side, you will need to concentrate on the muscles that stabilize your joints, use your joints throughout their full range of motion, and put a lot of extra effort into using your core.

It takes a lot of stability to move well when performing these one-legged movements, which you should already know if you have done any type of single-leg weighted exercises before. You should also have noticed that your abdominal muscles have been worked quite a bit. That is a positive development.

The steel mace provides extraordinary stimulation to the center, and it can assist in correcting any imbalances that you might have.

Through training with a unilateral weight such as the mace, you can prevent your stronger side from helping out your less developed side.

As a general rule, the mace’s uneven weight distribution will make it possible for you to strike every muscle in an equivalent manner.

It will assist you in enhancing your coordination, balance, strength, and endurance, all of which will contribute to an overall improvement in your performance in future athletic endeavors as well as in day-to-day activities.

5 Methods Of Working Out With A Steel Mace

You will be able to increase the number of repetitions you perform, perform each repetition more quickly (or much slower), and require less rest as you become more familiar with the workout methods and whichever movements you choose to perform for that workout.

We recommend that you perform 5 distinct steel mace exercises, also known as movements, regardless of which steel mace workout method you choose; consequently, we will explain each mace workout method based on these 5 movements.

Method 1 of the Steel Mache Workout: the Traditional

Strength and muscle mass can be improved significantly with the help of this strategy.

Perform your first movement for a total of four sets and eight repetitions on each side.

One minute of rest should be taken in between each set and each individual movement.

Repeat four sets of eight repetitions on each side until you have finished all five steel mace exercises.

Technique 2 of the Steel Mache Workout: The Circuit

This strategy is fantastic for increasing the amount of muscle mass as well as the muscular endurance.

Perform each of the five steel mace exercises in order, one after the other, with 8 repetitions on each side and as little rest as possible in between.

Perform a total of four rounds. Two minutes of rest are taken between each round.

Method 3 of the Steel Mache Workout is Called the Ladder Circuit.

This is the most effective strategy for gaining muscle mass.

In a circuit format, perform each of the five mace exercises for a total of ten repetitions on each side.

Recuperate for as long as you feel is necessary, and then perform each exercise for a total of nine repetitions on each side.

Continue to decrease the number of repetitions by one rep after each round until you reach the point where you only perform one rep.

You should strive to rest for the minimum amount of time necessary so that you can maintain proper form. You’re going to have your hands full with these challenges!

Steel Mace Workout Method 4: Escalating Density

This technique is ideal for increasing muscular endurance as well as reducing body fat.

Perform all five movements with the steel mace for a total of five repetitions on each side, in a circuit style. Think about that for one round. Perform as many rounds as you can in the allotted 10 minutes.

Repeat the exercise after resting for four minutes.

Make an effort to complete more laps during the following cycle.

It is recommended to complete 2-3 cycles of 10 minutes each.

Method 5 of the Steel Mache Workout: Perform Each Minute on the Minute (EMOM)

This approach is superior for both the building of muscle and the reduction of body fat.

Start a timer and perform 10 repetitions of your first exercise as soon as it is ready. Take a minute to relax while the clock counts down to one. Keep going at a rate of one set (five repetitions on each side, or ten in total, depending on the exercise) per minute for a total of four rounds.

At the end of the first minute, proceed to the next exercise. Continue to complete 1 set on the minute for the next 4 minutes, with the only rest coming between the completion of each set and the beginning of the next minute mark.

Continue doing so until you have finished all 5 movements. This exercise routine should take you twenty minutes to complete if you perform all five of the movements.

Here are some resources I recommend

ULTIMATE HEAVY CLUB TRAINING PROGRAM is a hidden gem that teaches you lessons on unique training and physiology taught by a doctor and Olympic gold medalist. FREE Bonus Includes: A Stud’s Physique Fitness Program

A STUD’S PHYSIQUE is the fitness regimen for the people who aspire for higher. It’s the ultimate primer in both simple and advanced techniques. Get this if you want to lose weight and look great, or become strong and jacked.

Health & Fitness Subliminal is an approved self-hypnosis track that we recommend to clients who have mental barriers causing them to struggle with their fitness goals.

We recommend this underrated ebook because it has plenty of health-conscious alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

None of these resources listed here are affiliate links. We recommend these websites and products because we use them ourselves and recommend them to our clients.