How Can Myofascial Release Help With Weight Loss

Before we get into how can myofascial release helps with weight loss, let’s briefly go over what myofascial release is.


What is Myofascial Release?

A myofascial release is a practical approach to managing pain and discomfort. Don’t expect a gentle massage with aromatherapy and flute music. Instead, myofascial release can be an intense experience.

During a session, a physical therapist, chiropractor or even a masseuse will gently massage, knead and stretch the muscles and fascia to create knots. This technique also involves applying pressure to tense or painful areas to release them.

Pressure is applied with hands, elbows, or massage tools such as foam rollers or balls. You may be sore afterward, but as the pain subsides, you will feel more relaxed than before.

How Can Myofascial Release Help With Weight Loss?

Red muscle fibers carry more oxygen and increase aerobic activity using fat as a primary fuel source. As a result, myofascial release helps with weight loss. Relaxing myofascia is key to weight loss, toning, and improved posture. So why do most of us have only a vague idea of what it is?

Myo refers to the muscular component of the fascial system, and fascia is the sheets, fibers, and threads of biological tissue that hold us together.

It forms muscles and attaches them to bones. Fascia is found throughout the body.

When fascia contracts, it shortens the muscles, leading to a lack of blood flow and reduced joint mobility. Tight fascia causes defects in our structure and biomechanics (movement) in the way we walk, run, exercise and move.

To perform a myofascial release, throw a hard ball at the muscles, avoiding the joints, as shown in the images in this article.


Lose Weight, Get Fit, Improve Posture

In the culture we live in today, our bodies suffer from the amount of time we spend at a table. Along with stress, this causes our body mechanics to malfunction. That’s why we rely heavily on our use of high-speed fiber. They contract quickly and strongly, but tire very quickly and can only sustain short-term anaerobic activity before muscle contraction becomes painful.

Because these muscles work anaerobically, they rely on burning sugar rather than fat as a source of fuel. By applying for myofascial release, fast-twitch muscle fibers are relieved. As fascia also affects the position of all ligaments, tendons, bones, and joints in our body, when we release tight fascia we can create better performance in our mechanics.

So when we start to move we use our slow twitch muscle fibers more, even when we walk each step softens which prevents you from contracting and stretching your entire fascia every single time because your muscles act like a suspension system. Red muscle fibers carry more oxygen and increase aerobic activity using fat as a primary fuel source. As a result, myofascial release helps with weight loss.

Mobility increases blood circulation and improves flexibility

No matter how hard we try to stretch, whether it’s yoga or physical activity most of us probably have tight muscles. Imagine a rubber band with 4-5 knots and try to pull it. This is our body. Tense muscles are knots in a rubber band; using myofascial release helps break those knots. As a result, stretching becomes easier and more productive.

Imagine your body is a piece of dry clay, when you use myofascial release it’s the equivalent of adding water to dry clay, creating more flexibility so it’s ready for performance. Relaxing myofascial also helps increase circulation, making it easier to deliver more oxygen-rich blood to the working muscle.

Therefore, mobility in the joints is less restricted, so you can move more freely with movement and effort. It is a very useful tool that prevents injuries and pain for a lifetime.

Helps Relax The Body, Improves Sleep, And Reduces Stress

We all like to relax in our stressful lifestyles, whether it’s a massage, yoga class, or meditation to clear our heads and relax our muscles. Myofascial release is a great modality for everyone.

In our current lifestyle, the sympathetic branch of our nervous system is constantly simulated by each stressful encounter of the day. This increases the stress hormones, like cortisol, that your body produces, so falling asleep and sleeping well will be a challenge for most people.

Because myofascial release helps relax muscles, it simulates the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, which slows things down and calms the body. This helps to establish a state of homeostasis. Homeostasis means maintaining internal stability in our physiological system, improving sleep, reducing stress, and generally improving long-term health and well-being.

Here are some resources I recommend

ULTIMATE HEAVY CLUB TRAINING PROGRAM is a hidden gem that teaches you lessons on unique training and physiology taught by a doctor and Olympic gold medalist. FREE Bonus Includes: A Stud’s Physique Fitness Program

A STUD’S PHYSIQUE is the fitness regimen for the people who aspire for higher. It’s the ultimate primer in both simple and advanced techniques. Get this if you want to lose weight and look great, or become strong and jacked.

Health & Fitness Subliminal is an approved self-hypnosis track that we recommend to clients who have mental barriers causing them to struggle with their fitness goals.

We recommend this underrated ebook because it has plenty of health-conscious alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

None of these resources listed here are affiliate links. We recommend these websites and products because we use them ourselves and recommend them to our clients.