Hormonal Balance and Rhodiola

Here is some information on hormonal balance and rhodiola.

Rhodiola Rosea is known to help prevent diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It also reduces inflammation, decreased depression, manages mood, while also boosting energy.

Hormonal Balance and Rhodiola

Because of her hormonal system, a woman’s body is always more complex than a man’s. It is well known that men lose weight easily, whereas women have a much more difficult time losing weight. This is due to a variety of factors, including the following:

Because the male body has more muscles, it consumes more energy and burns fat more quickly.

The male body produces testosterone, which is a muscle-building and fat-burning hormone.

The female body produces the hormone estrogen, which is a fat-accumulating hormone.

Women experience higher levels of emotional stress than men, resulting in higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is a fat-accumulating hormone in the abdomen and hips.

As a result of these factors, women always lose weight more slowly than men. One of the causes, an excess of the hormone estrogen, is related to a condition that many women suffer from, especially if they are overweight. The condition is referred to as estrogen dominance.

This hormone, estrogen, is actually a collection of different substances that are essential in a woman’s body. There would be no pregnancies, soft skin, menstruation, or women’s breasts if estrogen did not exist.

Estrogen is a hormone that a woman’s body balances with progesterone, which is produced during ovulation. Progesterone is the hormone that, as the name implies, allows for gestation or pregnancy. The body of a woman is dependent on the hormonal balance of these two hormones, estrogen and progesterone.

Everyone is aware that estrogen is produced in a woman’s ovaries. Few people realize, however, that body fat also produces estrogen with the help of an enzyme known as aromatase. Fat produces estrogen, which is why extremely obese men develop breasts and become feminized in their tone of voice.

When women suffer from estrogen dominance, they may experience manifestations such as the following:

  • Accumulation of fat in the hips and abdomen
  • Recurrent candidiasis (resistant fungal infections)
  • Auto-immune conditions such as: Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia
  • Difficulty or slowness to losing weight
  • Difficulty conceiving
  • Edema (accumulation of water)
  • Lack of energy or ongoing tiredness
  • History of breast or uterine cancer
  • History of vaginal fibroids, adenomas, or polyps
  • History of having miscarriages
  • Painful menstruation or cramps
  • Osteoporosis (bone loss)
  • Facial hair
  • Loss of libido (sexual interest or appetite)
  • Excessive menstrual blood
  • Sensitivity in the breasts (breast tenderness)
  • Sleeping too lightly or difficulty sleeping

The predominance of estrogen keeps the metabolism low and the woman suffering from this condition finds it very difficult to lose weight of weight.

Estrogen is a propellant agent for cancer cells. For that reason, having estrogen dominance places a woman at high risk for breast or uterine cancer.

Here are some resources I recommend

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Health & Fitness Subliminal is an approved self-hypnosis track that we recommend to clients who have mental barriers causing them to struggle with their fitness goals.

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