Can tyrosine make you tired and sleepy?

In this article, we go over the question “can tyrosine make you tired and sleepy?”

Tyrosine is an amino acid that helps create epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine. It can also improve mood, memory, and reduce anxiety.

Can tyrosine make you tired and sleepy?

Overdoes of L-Tyrosine have been linked to fatigue. Nausea, headaches, and heartburn are also possible side effects.

The body generates its own from other amino acids and obtains a significant amount from dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, beans, oats, and wheat.

Almost all amino acids in the body must be used or flushed from the system; if the body has too much of one, it can overload your chemical receptors and cause fatigue until the body has had time to flush the excess from your system.

There are many nutrients that are so easy to obtain from common foods that supplementing with them is often unnecessary unless you have a known deficiency. L-Tyrosine is abundant in foods and is unlikely to be required as a supplement unless you follow a mostly liquid diet.

Here are some resources I recommend

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Health & Fitness Subliminal is an approved self-hypnosis track that we recommend to clients who have mental barriers causing them to struggle with their fitness goals.

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