Are Stinging Nettles Poisonous & Dangerous?

The following is a summary of Are Stinging Nettles Poisonous & Dangerous:

Stinging Nettle is an herbal used to help treat joint pain, allergies, and prostate issues. Although considered safe when used responsibly, Stinging Nettle can interfere with other medicines and herbals. However, this herb can cause many side effects if the user has no medical consult or misuses it.


Are Stinging Nettles Poisonous & Dangerous?

Stinging nettle is generally considered safe when used according to the directions. However, a few minor side effects can occur.


  • Upset Stomach
  • Sweating
  • Fluid Retention
  • Diarrhea
  • Itching
  • Hives

You must make sure NOT to use stinging nettle on an open wound. Be careful when handling nettle because making contact with it may cause an allergic reaction.

Using herbs is a tried and true method of strengthening your body and treating illness. But, they can cause negative side effects and may be incompatible with other herbs, supplements, or medicines. This is why you should use herbs cautiously and in the direction of your health healthcare professional.

Because nettle alters the menstrual cycle and is a cause of miscarriage, pregnant women shouldn’t utilize nettle.

Do not attempt to treat yourself by using a nettle to treat BPH. Instead, visit your doctor for a diagnosis.

There is evidence to suggest that stinging nettle could increase blood sugar levels and cause problems with the management of diabetes. Also, there is evidence to suggest that it may reduce blood sugar. Patients who have diabetes should be watching their blood sugar levels closely when using the stinging nettle.

Stinging nettle has diuretic effects. If you suffer from urinary or kidney issues, talk to your doctor.

Here are some resources I recommend

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